Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jesus and Hot Dogs

I've already shared this story with a few of my friends. I thought that I'd post it to my blog because everytime I think about it, it makes me smile.
The other day David took Becca on a little Daddy daughter date to McDonalds. She was so excited that it was her turn to go on a date with Daddy instead of Mommy. Anyway, on the way there David told Becca what a beautiful girl she is and that he loved her very much. Becca quickly replied with, "I love you too, Daddy." (Aww!) Then David asked Becca if she loved Jesus. With out thinking twice Becca said, "I love Jesus and hot dogs!"
Hope that made you smile!


Carley said...

Too Funny!

Katelyn said...

Aww!Thats so sweet!

Bev said...

Too funny! What a cutie.

Mary said...

Yes it DID make me smile!

Cassie said...

I bet it made Jesus smile too!